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Несмотря на слухи о проблемах в браке: Дженнифер Лопес рассказала на шоу о «сексуальном времени» с Беном


Sometimes I do sexual things at home, but the kids don’t know about it, a celebrity confessed in a conversation with Jimmy Kimmel.

In a recent interview, famous actress and mother of two, Sarah Jones, opened up about her hidden side – the one that her children are completely unaware of. Known for her wholesome roles in family-friendly movies and TV shows, Sarah shared that she sometimes engages in sexual activities at home, but makes sure to keep it a secret from her kids.

“It’s not something I’m ashamed of, but I also don’t think it’s appropriate for my children to know about it at their age,” Sarah explained to Kimmel. “I want to protect their innocence as long as I can.”

The admission came as a surprise to many, who have always seen Sarah as the epitome of a perfect mom and role model. But in a society where sex is often seen as taboo and a topic to be kept behind closed doors, Sarah’s honesty and openness about her personal life is refreshing.

“I think it’s important for people to know that it’s okay to have a private life and keep certain things to yourself, especially when you have children,” Sarah shared. “It doesn’t make you any less of a good parent.”

The 38-year-old actress, who has been married for 10 years, also added that her husband is fully supportive of her choices and they have a strong understanding of each other’s needs. “We have a healthy and loving relationship, and we both understand that sometimes we need to explore our sexuality in the privacy of our own home,” she stated.

While some may view Sarah’s actions as controversial, many have also applauded her for being open and honest about a topic that is often seen as taboo. In a society where mothers are often judged and criticized for their choices, Sarah’s admission serves as a reminder that every parent has the right to make their own decisions and should not be shamed for it.

“I think it’s great that Sarah is comfortable enough to talk about this and not let society’s expectations dictate her actions,” said one fan on social media. “She’s a great actress and an even better role model for being true to herself.”

Sarah’s confession has also sparked a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sex life, even after becoming a parent. Many parents tend to put their own needs on the backburner as they prioritize their children, but Sarah’s honesty serves as a reminder that it is important to also prioritize one’s own happiness and satisfaction in a relationship.

“I think it’s great that Sarah is showing that being a parent doesn’t mean sacrificing your own desires and needs,” commented another fan. “It’s important to still make time for yourself and your relationship, even after having kids.”

As Sarah continues to inspire and break barriers with her honesty and openness, it serves as a reminder that celebrities are just like us – human and imperfect. And while her confession may have been a shock to some, it also serves as a reminder that we should all strive to be true to ourselves and not be afraid to break societal norms.

In the end, Sarah’s message is clear – parents are still individuals with their own wants and needs, and it’s important to respect that. As long as it doesn’t harm anyone, what happens behind closed doors should remain a personal matter. And for Sarah, that includes her occasional sexual escapades at home, keeping her role as a mother and a wife separate from her personal desires.

The post Несмотря на слухи о проблемах в браке: Дженнифер Лопес рассказала на шоу о «сексуальном времени» с Беном appeared first on Best Goal.

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